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The Motor City Macintosh User Group
P.O. Box 2513
Dearborn, MI 48123
MacMania BBS: (313) 278 - 8578
AOL: MCMUG GEnie: W.Marchuck
Unique * Friendly * Helpful * Free
To join as a preferred MCMUG member, simply send a self-addressed-stamped-envelope to the above address to receive our easy questionnaire. Fill it out and return it, it's that simple. As we are a free user group with all services provided out of the generosity of our volunteers, we must rely on interested new members to kindly include the SASEs. Please continue reading to learn more about us and what we have to offer.
MCMUG Background Information
The Motor City Macintosh User Group (MCMUG) is located in Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn is the birthplace of Henry Ford, considered to be the man who has been the most influential in the automotive industry. Ford Motor Company World Headquarters is located in Dearborn.
The Metro-Detroit area has a large and disperse body of Macintosh users. MCMUG's goal is to provide a source of networking for all computer users (not necessarily just Macintosh users) wishing to affiliate with one another to strengthen and share their knowledge of Macintosh computing.
MCMUG is a *free* user group with enthusiastic volunteers. We are quite easy-going and friendly, yet also ambitious in providing excellent resources for assistance to the Macintosh community. We currently have over 300 members living across the U.S. We welcome all those interested in joining us to please write us to request our Membership Information brochure. Details are provided at the conclusion of this document.
MacInTimes Newsletter
MCMUG publishes a an exciting 32-page quarterly newsletter. MacInTimes is an excellent resource for Macintosh users. It contains a broad depth of Macintosh information:
* Macintosh news
* Hardware/software reviews
* Columns
* Computing tips
* Telecommunications and BBS info
* Special offers
MacMania BBS - (313) 278-8578
FidoNet Address: 1:120/282
(300-9600+ baud access)
MacMania is the BBS of MCMUG. Use of MacMania is the best way to keep in touch with MCMUG leadership and with what's going on with Macintosh users all across the country.
* Over 10,000 Macintosh shareware files and software demos arranged for easy access in over 50 different file directories. Keyword file search capabilities are offered.
* 7 other computer file areas including MS-DOS files.
* Many public message bases on a wide variety of Macintosh and other topics of interest, including FidoNet echo mail.
* Christian file and message areas for our Christian members who freely choose to access these areas.
* Friendly and helpful system operators
* Easy-to-use
Other Services
Other services include licensed distribution of AppleĀ® software, shareware library on disk, and special offers.
MCMUG Free Membership
MCMUG is a unique user group because we charge no membership fees. The services MCMUG provides are made possible by the volunteer efforts and contributions of the leadership staff.
MCMUG has two membership levels. Both are free:
(1) MCMUG Basic Membership
Basic Membership is extended to all who log onto MacMania BBS and fill out the online new user questionnaire. Basic Membership in MCMUG entitles members to access to MacMania BBS. For extended MCMUG services, embers must join at the Preferred level of membership.
(2) MCMUG Preferred Membership
Anyone may join as a Preferred MCMUG Member (you need not log onto or use MacMania BBS). To become a Preferred Member, you simply need to fill out and return our new member questionnaire. The MCMUG leadership staff finds these questionnaires beneficial in understanding where the interests of MCMUG members lie.
Benefits of Preferred Membership include availability of MCMUG's MacInTimes newsletter, Apple system software, shareware on disk, and special discount offers from software and hardware companies.
Details of how to request the questionnaire are provided at the conclusion of this document.
About Software Piracy
MCMUG stands against the illegal distribution and copying of software. Piracy also includes use of shareware programs not paid for. Please pay for the software you use.
MCMUG Leadership Staff
Wendy Marchuck
President, MCMUG
Sysop, MacMania BBS
Editor, MacInTimes
Andrew Harmon
Vice President, MCMUG
Co-sysop, MacMania BBS
Assistant Editor, MacInTimes
Brady Johnson
MCMUG Advisory Board
MCMUG HyperCard Specialist
Ellis Hunter
MCMUG Advisory Board
Assistant Editor, MacInTimes
S. Marchuck
MCMUG Advisory Board
Matthew Stanton
MCMUG Advisory Board
Membership Questionnaire for Free Membership
To Request the questionnaire for free membership into MCMUG, please contact MCMUG via U.S. mail and be certain to include a self-addressed-stamped-envelope (SASE). As we are a free user group with all services provided out of the generosity of our volunteers, we must rely on interested new members to kindly include the SASEs.
To request the questionnaire and further info about MCMUG,